
Jambo Trio POA Policy

Jambo Trio Privacy Policy

We respect your privacy.

Relevant information

In an effort to protect the rights and privacy of our customers and visitors to our website, Jambo Trio has established its Privacy Policy which explains what information we collect and what we do with the information we collect.
This Privacy Policy governs the manner in which Jambo Trio collects, uses, maintains and discloses information collected from users of the website


Para o Jambo Trio a privacidade é muito importante. Nós estamos comprometidos em salvaguardar a informação que os Usuários confiam à Jambo Trio .

A Informação que nós coletamos

Jambo Trio respects your privacy on the Internet. It always treats the information it posts and receives via the Internet with the utmost care, respect and confidentiality. Read this text to the end to learn about Jambo Trio's Privacy Policy. Other policies also apply to this site, such as the Copyright Policy and Terms of Service. Know and understand them all. É important to all of us.

Information security

Jambo Trio and its administrator have no intention of renting, selling, commercialize, give, share, share or allow access to or use any other specified or undisclosed form of transfer of data or information whether whatever title is to third parties in this statement. All information that we may collect is used only by us to carry out communication internal and allow access to the site.

Electronic data request

The website does not request, at any time, information recorded on the computers of website visitors, such as: codes and serial numbers of components and systems, originality of systems, data that make it possible to identify the hardware and software of your computer or any other information.


Several features of the website use cookies to store information about sessions open for browsing, so it is necessary that the browser you use on your computer has the option 'accept cookies' enabled. Most web browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can modify your browser to decline cookies if you prefer. If you choose to decline cookies, you may not be able to experience the interactive features of the website services or other websites you visit.

Email addresses

The website, which can be accessed spontaneously, considers that the e-mails from its list (mailing) are consented. In this way, these e-mail addresses may receive messages from the website for the purposes of communication and alerting the administration of this website. We do not spam, in the negative sense of the word.

IP Addresses and Login

The website server stores the log information of its visitors, including IP address, date and time of visit, pages visited, time spent on each page visited, etc. This information is used only for statistical and legal survey purposes and will not be disclosed to third parties.


All inquiries about the privacy policy of the website should be forwarded to Jambo Trio via email.

Jambo Trio appreciates your attention and understanding.