Ricardo Arenhaldt


Drums and Percussion

Ricardo Arenhaldt


Ricardo Arenhaldt started playing the drums at age 8, learning the first steps from his father.

With a degree in music from Centro Universitário Metodista IPA, Ricardo served as a drum teacher at the Festival Internacional de Brasília and Festival Sesc de Pelotas, among others.

He was professor of drums and percussion at Colégio Americano in Porto Alegre for 20 years.

He has played with big names in Brazilian music, such as: Ivan Lins, Nanna Caymmi, Geraldo Flach, Kleiton & Kledir, Nei Lisboa, Ná Ozzetti and Adriana Calcanhoto.

As for regional artists, the list continues with Os Fagundes, Luiz Carlos Borges, Elton Saldanha, Rui Biriva and more.

Ricardo is also a founding member of the award-winning instrumental band Quartchêto.
Ricardo's highlights range from touring in different countries such as Germany, Portugal, Spain, France, Austria, Argentina and Uruguay to winning several awards over the years.

He won three "Açorianos Awards": "Best Percussion Instrumentalist" in 1995, "Best MPB Instrumentalist" in 2002 and "Best Regional Instrumentalist in 2005. “Best Regional Album” and “Album of the Year”.

In 2014 he traveled to France to play at Festival Brasil-France.

In 2015 he fulfilled a schedule of 10 concerts in Germany and, in addition to the German tour, he also taught Brazilian Rhythms workshops in two schools and for Big Band musicians.

In 2016, the album “Very Good To Car Together” by Ivan Lins and Geraldo Flach was released, where Ricardo plays all the tracks.

In 2017 he performed fourteen didactic concerts with the São Pedro Theater Chamber Orchestra and toured Brazil with Quartchêto.

In 2023 he played at the Poa Jazz Festival with Carlos Badia and the Jambo Trio. He was also on the International Jazz Day schedule at Farol Santander in Porto Alegre with Jambo Trio, project in which he acts as drummer and music producer.

Hello, thank you so much for coming until here.

It is an incredible joy to participate in this sound project that is the result of a lot of friendship, musicality and work.

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